The Dalai Lama, a prominent Tibetan spiritual leader, has recently been embroiled in controversies surrounding his behavior. A video that went viral on social media showed him acting inappropriately towards a young boy during an interaction at a temple in February, which involved around 100 students. Additionally, another video has resurfaced showing him touching the exposed leg of singer-actress Lady Gaga during a conference, prompting her to stop him. These incidents have resulted in negative comments about the Dalai Lama on social media.
The controversy surrounding the Dalai Lama further escalated with the release of a video showing him kissing a young boy on the lips. The video captured the spiritual leader asking the boy to kiss him on the lips after initially pointing to his cheeks. Subsequently, the Dalai Lama stuck out his tongue and asked the young boy to “suck [his] tongue” as he touched foreheads with him. The boy pulled away before the spiritual leader pulled him in for another hug.
These incidents have stirred up controversy and criticism around the Dalai Lama’s behavior, which has led to widespread discussions and debates on social media and other platforms.
The video depicting the Dalai Lama’s behavior has triggered a widespread backlash on social media, with many people condemning his actions. In response to the backlash, the office of the Dalai Lama released a statement characterizing his behavior with the young boy as “innocent and playful,” expressing regret for the incident, and offering apologies to the boy, his family, and those hurt by his words and actions in the video.
However, the controversy surrounding the Dalai Lama shows no signs of subsiding, as an old video has recently resurfaced, revealing his improper conduct towards Grammy-winning singer Lady Gaga. The video, recorded at a conference in Indiana, shows the Dalai Lama inappropriately touching Lady Gaga’s leg. He is seen looking down before reaching out to seemingly grope her leg, and as he attempts to do the same with her other leg, Lady Gaga forcefully stops him by grabbing his hand.
I have a feeling we will start to see more videos.
— Stella Escobedo (@StellaEscoTV) April 13, 2023
The resurfacing of this video has further fueled the ongoing backlash against the spiritual leader, adding to the public’s outrage over his behavior with the young boy. Concerns have been raised about the possibility of more such videos surfacing, indicating a pattern of unsuitable behavior by the Dalai Lama. This has led to calls for transparency, accountability, and investigation into his actions.
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The controversy has also sparked discussions about power dynamics, consent, and appropriate behavior, emphasizing the importance of holding all individuals, regardless of their stature, accountable for their actions. As the situation unfolds, the Dalai Lama’s reputation has been significantly impacted, and the public awaits further actions to address the concerns raised by these incidents.