Marques Houston, 41, Says He Married A 19-Year-Old Because He Believes Women His Age Come With ‘Baggage’ And ‘Kids’

Marques Houston, 41, has sparked outrage with his remarks on women, saying those his age often come with “baggage.”

Houston, who married 22-year-old Miya Dickey in 2020, claimed women his age come with “baggage”. He said: “I could’ve married a 44-year-old woman, and it could’ve been disastrous.”

The singer also slammed single mothers, calling them a “red flag”. He revealed his father warned him: “Have your own kids because you never know what the baby daddies are about.”

Houston’s former bandmate, Young Rome, apologized for his comments on Instagram: “We were raised by strong independent women who faced hardships we’ll never understand.”

Rome blasted Houston’s views: “It’s never okay to degrade one group of women to praise another. His views don’t reflect those of the group.”

Houston’s comments have sparked widespread outrage, with many calling him out for his misogynistic views.

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