Reggie Bush Paid Mistress $3 Million To Terminate Pregnancy And Then Discovered She Gave Birth To Their Son

According to reports, Reggie Bush allegedly tried to pay his mistress $3 million to get an abortion. In fact, he did pay 34-year old cocktail waitress Monique Exposito the agreed upon amount, but she never got the abortion and gave birth to a baby girl.

As it turns out, Exposito originally tried to get pregnant by her former lover, Alonzo Mourning, going as far as to take fertility treatments to boost her chances of conceiving but it was Bush that ultimately got caught up in her scheme. 

According to the report:

Exposito, 34, originally hatched a plan to get pregnant by her alleged lover of four years, retired Miami Heat player Alonzo Mourning – even getting fertility treatments to boost her chances of conceiving. During their relationship, the baller allegedly lavished gifts on the mother of one, made sure she was front row at his Miami Heat games and accompanied him on trips to New York City, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.

“She wants to be like one of the Kardashians,” the source explained. “Marry a black man, and get all the money.”

Reggie gave millions to Exposito in exchange for her silence as well as the abortion, and he and his wife believed she would go through with it, but that’s far from the case.

Now, the former Buffalo Bills running back is refusing to pay any child support, and things are starting to get messy. Meanwhile, Exposito is reportedly planning to sue for child support.

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