Gabourey Sidibe Opens Up About Hurtful Comments: She Overhead Lee Daniels and André Leon Talley Called Her “ Fat, Black B**ch”

Actress Gabourey Sidibe has revealed shocking details about her life in her candid memoir, “This Is Just My Face (Try Not To Stare)“.

The 41-year-old “Precious” star recounts her mother giving her diet pills at just nine years old, sparking a lifelong struggle with body image.

Sidibe also shares her battles with bulimia, panic attacks, and depression, offering a raw glimpse into her inner turmoil.

One particularly poignant moment came when her family faced eviction on the morning of a red-carpet event for “Precious”.

In another stunning revelation, Sidibe recalls overhearing former Vogue editor André Leon Talley refer to her as a “fat bitch” in a phone call with director Lee Daniels.

Talley infamously said, ‘I’m putting that fat bitch right on the cover of Vogue. I adore her. That black bitch will shine on the cover!”

Sidibe reflects, “I was sneaking in on a conversation I wasn’t meant to hear about, sneaking into a world I wasn’t meant to be a part of.”

The memoir also exposes Sidibe’s secret three-year stint as phone-sex operator “Becky”.

She quips, “White dudes! You might think you’re talking to Megan Fox, but you’re actually talking to… well… ME!”

Through her unflinching narrative, Sidibe sheds light on her journey toward self-acceptance.

This Is Just My Face (Try Not To Stare)” is now available from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.