Adina Howard & her husband divorced after 7 year because she wanted to s3x all the time

Adina Howard, an American singer, stated that her husband divorced her because she wanted sex three times a day.

In an interview, the musician explained how they divorced due to her intense desire for sex.

She considers herself a freak, and she married with the expectation of having as much sex as she can every day.

Her marital life, on the other hand, was quite different, and she did not receive the desired sex and intimacy from her husband, which caused a lot of tension in their marriage.

Her husband bemoaned her high energy and libido in the same interview.

He thought he was a freak until he met his wife and realised her desire outweighed his own.

The American singer admitted freely that she needed sex everyday, morning, afternoon and night.

Some reactions to the video


@gettedemi_ opined: “I think the problem is she said she got married just for sex. She’s not even aware of how that sounds, so she probably didn’t know how to get her needs met without making him feel like strictly an object.”

@neicycollins wrote: “He probably ultimately ended up feeling used or got tired of phyuking every single day lol”

@THEPOCAHONTIS asked: “So I might be getting divorced in the future? Damnit”

@1futhermucker wrote: “I wonder if she was abused as a child. Extreme case of hyper segxwality/sex addiction. Not a good thing at all”

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