Will Smith recalls exact moment when he realised he wanted to be on camera

Will Smith recalls exact moment when he realised he wanted to be on camera

Will Smith recalls exact moment when he realised he wanted to be on camera

Will Smith, a famous American actor, recalls the exact moment he chose to become an actor. In his new podcast called ‘Class of ’88’, the 55-year-old musician talks about the history of hip-hop, including his own experience as part of a duo with DJ Jazzy Jeff before he started acting.

He openly discusses how he realized early on in his music career that he had a talent for being in front of the camera. This podcast’s first episode was released on Friday, as reported by People.

While filming the music video for their 1988 album’s second single, “Parents Just Don’t Understand,” Smith developed an acting bug. Nervous to release the upbeat song, he really wanted people to take him seriously as a rapper.

However, creating the humorous video, in which he played a depressed teenager and dramatically sang the lyrics, ended up being a significant experience for him.

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“To help promote the song, Jive [Records] decided to make a video,” the ‘King Richard’ star said on the podcast. “[Producer] Ann Carli brought in a director, Scott Kalvert, who had a cool visual style, and that ultimately became the Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince signature style — bright and colourful with the stylized set covered with graffiti.

I rapped straight into the camera while an actress playing my mom chased me around with a rolling pin.”
“I think it was during the making of that video that I realized that I loved being on camera.”

On Friday, the class of ’88’ got started. Will Smith converses with his pals from the late 1980s hip-hop scene on this podcast.

He recalls with his longtime partner DJ Jazzy Jeff, real name Jeffrey Allen Townes, who is 58 years old, about their days as a hip-hop duo, back when people were just beginning to realize that rap could be a source of income.

Even a humorous incident from 1987 that occurred while they were supposed to be recording was recalled, in which Smith attempted to assist a producer by removing his cast from a healed broken leg.

Will Smith recalls exact moment when he realised he wanted to be on camera