Lady Gaga discloses the advantages she derives from using make-up.

Lady Gaga discloses the advantages she derives from using make-up.

Lady Gaga discloses the advantages she derives from using make-up.

Lady Gaga, the 36-year-old pop star and Hollywood actress, attributes her use of make-up to improving her mental well-being, following the advice of her mother. Renowned for her diverse looks and costumes throughout her career, Lady Gaga shared that her earliest fashion memories stem from her mother’s influence. According to reports from, she expressed that her mother’s transformation while preparing for work had a profound impact on her, witnessing her evolve into a seemingly extraordinary being.

Recalling her upbringing, Lady Gaga revealed to ‘Grazia’ magazine, “My earliest encounters with make-up revolve around my mother. Observing her metamorphosis and preparation for work held great significance for me; I witnessed her transcend into this superhuman persona.”

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She further elaborated, “My mother used to impart these words of wisdom: ‘Take care of yourself. You ought to appear glamorous.’ It’s not solely about one’s physical appearance—I have worn copious amounts of make-up in the past and still felt disheartened on the inside. Nevertheless, for me, make-up constitutes self-care; at times, it genuinely elevates my spirits. Throughout my life, it has significantly contributed to my mental well-being.”

Lady Gaga, the renowned artist behind the hit song ‘Bad Romance,’ has recently introduced her HausLabs brand to the United Kingdom. She expressed her immense pleasure in launching the line in Britain, emphasizing her admiration for the country’s beauty culture.

In her own words, she shared,“I’m known for wearing make-up, I’m known for being expressive. Well, now I don’t just wear make-up, I make make-up. I’m part of the process in a big way.’ I love the UK and it’s no secret that I love the fashion.”.

” Lady Gaga’s enthusiasm for the UK extends beyond beauty, as she openly professes her love for its fashion scene.

While Paris and Milan often dominate discussions on fashion, Lady Gaga believes that British fashion has had the most profound influence on her throughout her career. She finds the connection between fashion, art, and beauty in the UK to be subversive and intriguing, particularly in terms of women’s gender expression. She perceives it as a unique amalgamation.

Having previously introduced her music and performances to the UK, Lady Gaga now brings her passion for make-up to the country this year, further expanding her creative endeavors.

“Lady Gaga discloses the advantages she derives from using make-up.” Source: