Will Smith Tears Up as Janet Hubert Accuses Him of Taking Away Her 30-Year Career

Will Smith Tears Up as Janet Hubert Accuses Him of Taking Away Her 30-Year Career

Will Smith Tears Up as Janet Hubert Accuses Him of Taking Away Her 30-Year Career

In never-before-seen footage from their conversation, Will Smith revealed how he felt Janet Hubert hated him. Smith also shared more video from his emotional reconciliation with her during the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reunion.

Will featured a heartfelt response from Janet in a recent Red Table Talk with clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula. She detailed how her 30-year career was negatively impacted by his actions and the effect their feud had on her career as a whole.

‘I hated what you did. I just hated what you did. You took my career away of 30-something years,’ she said, struggling not to cry.

‘You just went too far when you were younger and I know you always had to win,’ she said

Will Smith acknowledged that he “went way too far” and made statements during the conflict that were misconstrued and had unfavorable effects. When speaking about the effects of the feud, Janet Hubert revealed that she was isolated for thirty years and referred to her experience as a “30-year life sentence,” expressing fatigue from the ordeal.

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She talked about the upsetting experiences her family had in another outtake, where she and her son were the targets of online harassment as well as physical and verbal abuse from people who were siding with Will.

They beat my son’s a**. Somebody smashed a cookie in my son’s face and said: “Your mother is a b****.” People send me hateful Instagrams. “Aren’t you dead yet? I love Will. Why don’t you just die?” It was hard. It was hard’ she said.

‘And I promised my dad before he left this earth – and you know, you lost your dad – that I would clear my name ’cause it’s his name and my family said: “You’ve ruined our name.” But you’re the big star, you know? I’m just the old black b****.’

Janet Hubert and Will Smith made the decision to leave the set for a short while in order for her to get some water before continuing their emotional conversation. Will discussed the origins of his problems in a Red Table Talk with Ramani, relating them to his early years when he used humor as a coping method to keep his father’s attention off of mistreating his mother.

He admitted bringing this dynamic to the set of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, particularly with Janet, who had a role as a parent. Will acknowledged that he was intimidated by Janet’s triple-threat skills and Julliard education. He also revealed that he was afraid when he thought she didn’t think highly of him.

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Will Smith admitted that “female disapproval,” which resulted from his failure to shield his mother Carolyn from abuse, was the “central greatest pain” in his life. Because of his past girlfriend’s infidelity, he believed that money prevented women from being unfaithful, and he associated safety with money during his time on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

After a public argument with Will in 1993, Janet Hubert, who had played Aunt Viv for the first three seasons, quit, blaming their disagreement for her career’s downfall.

While filming season three, Janet disclosed that she had an abusive marriage to James Whitten, her first husband, from which she separated in 1994, during a challenging pregnancy. Janet found the set challenging because Will acknowledged in a confessional that he was not perceptive or sensitive during her pregnancy.

Janet denied that she had been let go, saying that she had left because of a “really bad deal” that had restricted her work on the sitcom and imposed a non-compete clause that had an impact on her pay. She went on to say that she wasn’t unprofessional on set and that, despite what some were saying, Will was the reason behind her withdrawal due to a lack of trust.

Janet Hubert and Will Smith ended their 27-year rivalry during a Red Table Talk in which Hubert expressed forgiveness and healing.

The dark-skinned black woman acknowledged that she had lost everything, including her reputation, as a result of being called “difficult” in Hollywood. Will acknowledged Janet’s contribution to the program, apologized for their past hostilities, and emphasized the importance of moving on. Their long-standing problems were the focus of their September taped conversation.

On the 30th anniversary of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Janet and Will reunited after Janet had challenged him to a face-to-face discussion of their issues. Their conflict started when Janet demanded an apology from Will in order for them to get back together after she left the show.

On set professional Janet refuted rumors that she was tough and highlighted Will’s inexperience at the time. She asked for support four years ago in order to be acknowledged for the lies that had been spread about her leaving. The Red Table Talk gave them a chance to make amends and come to a resolution.

Will Smith Tears Up as Janet Hubert Accuses Him of Taking Away Her 30-Year Career