R. Kelly wants the Supreme Court to overturn his multiple child sex convictions

According to TMZ, R. Kelly’s lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, has filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, seeking to have his child sex convictions thrown out.

The convictions stem from offenses committed between 1991 and 2018. R. Kelly is currently serving a 20-year sentence. He was found guilty of producing child pornography and inducing minors into sexual activities.

Bonjean argues that the PROTECT Act should not apply to R. Kelly’s case. The act was signed into law in 2003 by President George W. Bush. It removed statutes of limitations for child abduction and abuse cases.

However, Bonjean believes that statutes of limitations should still apply to R. Kelly’s actions from the 1990s. She argues that the PROTECT Act should not be applied retroactively.

The Supreme Court will review the petition in the coming months. They will decide whether to hear R. Kelly’s appeal. A decision is expected soon.